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Comparison of Vedic period star name identities from R. H. Allen’s "Star names- Their lore & meaning" of circa 1899 with "Names of Stars from the period of Vedas" from 1999.


A number of stars in the sky were given proper names by people of India, a.k.a Bharata, during the Vedic period (~2000-4000 B.C). Among them, twenty-eight names were given to the stars over 360 degrees of the moon path along the ecliptic. Use of one these names, Abhijit as a daily star has been discontinued in modern times. Ancient astrology of this culture, called Jyotishya Shasthra, has its origins during that period and has been gradually modified. This astrological system uses a moon-pointer daily star definition, based on the 27 daily stars, with Sanskrit proper names, corresponding to 13.33-degree steps along the ecliptic in the moon path. Efforts have been made to associate and identify these Sanskrit proper names to explicit star or groups of stars along the ecliptic, and determine their modern astronomical names.

A recent 1998 web article "Names of Stars from the period of Vedas" by the author was a study of these names conducted based on study of the Veda-period Sanskrit texts. It proposed astronomical identity of these ancient star proper names. Among other such efforts, Richard Hinckley Allen’s "Star names-Their lore and meaning" is considered to be a classical book. This book was originally published in circa 1899 and has been recently reprinted. The book provides an exhaustive picture of the proper names of stars from many cultures and the folklore from the 1899 period. The present study compares the astronomical identity of the 27 Vedic daily stars proposed in "Names of Stars from the period of Vedas" by S. Balakrishna with the identity indicated for the same 27 daily stars in "Star names-Their lore and meaning" by Richard Hinckley Allen.





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